By Ryann Lugo
January’s Aiguille After Dark was such a big success, we can’t wait until the next one! If you weren’t able to come to the last party, here is a brief summary of what went down...
JSHIH maintained superhero status, once again, with his amazing live mixes. Climbers sent sweet new routes, set by Mark and his league of legendary Aiguille masterminds. The hackers hacked and the pizza was devoured. Sound like fun? There were many members at this event and a significant amount of non-members climbing as well, which we love. So, invite your friends to the next one!
Never been to an Aiguille After Dark party? Picture this: Sick dubstep cranked loud enough to make heads spin, a plethora of new neon-colored routes, and great big slices of pizza, dripping with greasy deliciousness. So if you missed the last one, make sure to mark your calendars for the next event on February 24th. Sometime closer to the date, we will have posters around the gym, designed by the talented Guillermo Martinez, to make sure you don’t forget! See you there!
Woooo! I cant wait. I love Aiguille after dark. We went last time and had A BLAST!